Weather forecasts are vital for everyday life. While they’re readily available on the news, aggregating them allows for better connectivity and decision-making.

For instance, I might adjust my recommended activities if it’s snowing or raining. Similarly, I factor in fine dust levels when deciding whether to schedule outdoor events.

By integrating weather data, we can make more informed and flexible plans, ensuring better alignment with current conditions.

How to Get Weather Forecasts for a Specific Location
To obtain a weather forecast for a specific location, follow these two steps:

  1. Get the Coordinates: Use Google Maps to find the latitude and longitude of your desired location.
  2. Use an API: Input the coordinates into the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve detailed weather information for that area.

This method provides accurate, real-time weather data for locations worldwide, making it an essential tool for planning and decision-making.

Step 1. Google Map get current coordinate

When you select a location to get weather from Google Maps, the URL will look like this

You can extract the latitude and longitude from this URL. Make sure you have this information stored first.

lat = 21.3363571, lon = -158.0282134

Other 1. Check coordinate

You can also take the extracted coordinates and enter them on the map, so you can find the location you want this way.

Step 2. Openweather API

Site :

Step 3. Logon, Get API key

Other 2. API Doc{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}

APIs are divided into paid and free. First of all, you can use it for free for things like current weather and 3-hour forecast. If you want to analyze data about the weather, it’s worth paying for it because you can get more information and historical information.


import requests

key = '{Input Your Key}'

lat = 21.3363571
lon = -158.0282134

def get_current_weather(key, lon, lat):
    url = f"{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={key}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

if "__main__" == __name__:
    print(get_current_weather(key, lon, lat))

Output (Weather forecast)

{'lon': -158.0282, 'lat': 21.3364},
[{'id': 300, 'main': 'Drizzle', 'description': 'light intensity drizzle',
'icon': '09d'}],
'standard': 'stations',
'main': {'temp': 301.51, 'feels_like': 304.38, 'temp_min': 297.01,
'temp_max': 303.1, 'pressure': 1017, 'humidity': 69
'visibility': 10000,
'wind': {'speed': 5.66, 'deg': 50, 'gust': 12.35},
'clouds': {'all': 20},
'dt': 1719019088,
'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 7868, 'country': 'US', 'sunrise': 1718985065,
'sunset': 1719033418},
'timezone': -36000,
'id': 5855070,
'name': '‘Ewa Gentry',
'cod': 200

Using weather APIs like OpenWeatherMap, you can access a range of data, including the forecast, temperature, wind chill, humidity, and barometric pressure.

While most of these are straightforward, barometric pressure can be a bit confusing. It refers to the atmospheric pressure in a specific area and is often used in weather forecasting to predict short-term changes. For instance:

  • High pressure typically indicates clear and stable weather.
  • Low pressure often signals rain, storms, or unsettled weather.

Understanding barometric pressure can help identify patterns and anticipate weather changes, even if it feels less intuitive at first!

By Mark


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